Sunday, February 7, 2016

2000 XR400R and TTR 125 February 4, 2016

I have been looking for a dirt bike for myself and also one for my son. I found a nice 2000 XR400R in great condition and well cared for. I also found a nice 2002 TTR 125 in great condition for my son since he has started to show interest in riding. Picked up both bikes Thursday February 4, 2016. I took the XR out to an open lot for a quick ride Saturday and the thing is a beast and is going to be fun. I also took my son to the same lot Saturday so that he could try out his TTR for the first time. He has never been on a bike before so we started with clutch control and within an hour he was doing figure eights and shifting gears with a big smile on his face. He had a great time and I am glad he took to it so easily. We will practice a few more times at the lot to let him get more feel for the bike before going to an OHV park with the RV.