Saturday, July 30, 2016

Lake Berryessa Ride - GSA Versus KLR - July 30, 2016

I usually ride alone, but today I went for a ride with my friend Mike up to Lake Berryessa.  He on his KLR and me on my GSA.

Lake Berryessa is the largest lake in Napa County. The reservoir was named for the first European settlers in the Berryessa Valley, José Jesús and Sexto "Sisto" Berrelleza (a Basque surname, Anglicized to "Berreyesa", then later respelled "Berryessa"), who were granted Rancho Las Putas in 1843.

We took Highway 80 up to Fairfield and next jumped on State Route 121 which took us to the intersection of State Route 121 and State Route 128. A fast nice twisty road. After visiting the lake we rode State Route 128 back to Highway 80 after stopping off for some lunch at Berryessa Brewing in Winters.

First , we stopped at the 121/128 junction at an abandoned restaurant to shed a layer since it was getting hot.  

Once at Lake Berryessa we stopped for a rest at the spot where our Boy Scout Troop camps each year at their annual Camporee outing.  

Finally, I had to get a picture of the bikes in front of the lake. Not much water in the lake even with all the rain we had this past winter. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Yosemite (and Tioga Road) Campout July 16 - 17, 2016

I had no plans for the weekend so I left the San Francisco Bay Area Saturday morning around 7:30 and headed up to Yosemite and stayed one night in Yosemite Valley at the Upper Pines Campground. I decided to to this last week and checked a couple times to see if there was a cancellation I could jump on, and if not, I would try a walk in site in Yosemite or camp off the 395. After checking a couple times one site came open so I took it.

I have a wife, two young sons, and a job, so hard to get away for more than a night.

First I had to fill up the gas tank...

Next, I had to get the Half Dome picture upon entry...

Then I set up camp before...

 Heading up to ride Tioga Road stopping at Tenaya Lake...

And Tuolumne Meadows....

And Olmstead Point and finally...

Exited the east gate. I was looking for the summit sign along the ride, but I never saw one. At the east gate I asked about this and was told it was attached to the building so I asked if I could park my bike and snap the shot. I was surprised when they said yes, but as you can see they allowed me to get the picture.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Ride Through Briones and Tilden July 10, 2016

Had about an hour or two to ride today so I could not go too far, but I always enjoy a ride through Briones and Tilden. I still get a little freaked out riding through Briones since I have to ride past the spot I helped my friend out while riding with him when he hit a deer even though I have ridden past it hundreds of times.


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ride to Mark Twain's Cabin July 2, 2016

I needed a destination so I decided to ride up to Mark Twain's cabin off Highway 49 between Angels Camp and Sonora. It was a hot day with 90s in the valley and 100s in the foothills, but I made my destination and even with the heat it was a fun ride. There was a fire in the foothills off the 4 and I was hoping that the 4 would not be closed down or have any delays for my return since I would not be able to stand sitting idle in the heat.

The cabin sits at the top of Jack Ass hill where Mark Twain spent the winter of 1864 - 1865.  He was a guest of the Gillis brothers, local miners, who lived in the cabin. The original cabin burned and the fireplace and chimney were built in the replica here.

During his stay at Jackass Hill, Twain and his friend Steve Gillis visited a saloon in Angels Camp and heard a story about a jumping frog. Twain returned to the cabin and wrote about “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.” The book launched Twain’s publishing career. He and the jumping frog would later be recognized throughout the world. He also gathered material here for his book “Roughing it.” Twain would go on to write another 26 books, including “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” before he died in April 1910.

Twain was an author, a humorist and his life was filled with adventures that fed his imagination for timeless storytelling. One of his more famous quotes is, "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."